Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm back!

Hey guys and gals. So I haven't wrote anything in a while so I figured I'd sign on and let you know what's up. So I've been really busy looking for a job. Let me tell you, that is not going well at all. Every time I think I'm going to an interview for serious adult employment it ends up being something I am entirely to educated or ambitious to do. IE: selling Kirby vacuums or door to door sales in Cleveland. Let's face it, that just not safe for a young lady to be doing. So that's been really tough. Depressing really, I really want to succeed and do well for myself and make money so I can do what I want and have fun. I keep coming up empty handed though. Boo!

Let's talk about Yankee Lake. So recently I have been hanging out a lot with my cousin Drew and his guy friends. OMG I love them, they are so much fun. We always have a blast together. I actually feel honored to be accepted by them to hang out. I like to feel like I can get along with the opposite sex on a platonic level, I really enjoy that. ANYWAYS... Yankee Lake is this place that used to be a lake and now it's a mud pit. So people go there in their truck to go off roading and get muddy while people watch. There is a lot of cute country men, beer drinking, and dancing to country music. Let's face it not exactly my scene. I am so the kind of girl who feels awkward if I'm not: #1 wearing heels, or #2 perfectly coiffed when in public. But I really am a very outdoorsy girl, I feel in my element when I am nature, it's like a religious thing to me. But I had a blast hanging out with rednecks, drinking beer, standing around in the mud, and dancing to country music. The guys are such good dancers. Especially my friend Josh, he is my favorite dance partner because he leads well and knows classic dance technique not the 8th grade slow dance thing. So me and my Mom and the guys went out there and it was so much fun! I can't wait to go back. I even wore boots... lol! So I have a lot to talk about so I am dividing this into two posts.

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