Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dueling bitches.

So as if the drama between Lyla and Twyla wasn't enough today Cezanne and Lyla were going at it. Over food first, then again later because of the unfinished business with the earlier fight that me and mom had to break up. Our house is at war. Bitches being scrappy, it always seems like Lyla is involved... hmm. So we have to keep Lyla and Cezanne apart for a while until they decide to love each other again. In the mean time Lyla also can't go with Twyla, maybe she needs solitary confinement. So if these two don't figure it out soon I will be showing a different brace at the Western Reserve Specialty. You all are going to that aren't you!?!? I hope so, it's always a blast!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, sorry the bitches are being bitches. Hope they work it out before WR. Have fun. I won't be there as I don't have anything to show. Well, maybe I'll make it there some day. At least I made it to a National. :-)


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